An Introduction to the Amazing Albino Leopard Gecko
Leopard geckos are a popular pet reptile, and the Albino leopard gecko is one of many varieties in the leopard gecko pedigree. Different gecko varieties possess unique genetics that affect their behavior.
Albinos have a recessive trait that requires two copies of the gene to be outwardly visible. Albino traits are found in three strains of albino leopard geckos, including Bell, tremper, and rainwater albino. Patternless and blizzard albinos also exhibit these traits.
The mutation of a specific gene during the animal's development stage causes these traits. It can be challenging to determine whether a leopard albino has this unusual trait, often requiring luck.
The three strains of albinos, Rainwater, Tremper, and Bell, are named after their first breeders' last name. All three have recessive traits and are very sensitive to bright lights. Therefore, feeding during the day is not recommended.
Tremper strain is the most common gecko and was the first albino to be introduced to the market. However, the dark brown appearance of most tremper albinos may be due to the incubation process rather than genetics.
Rainwater albino leopard geckos are next in popularity to tremper, and they are generally pinker than tremper. However, sometimes tremper has a bright pink color when incubated correctly. The Bell strain is the rarest of the three, with a darker shade of pink than the other two strains.
Patternless geckos were the first to be recognized as having the recessive trait of an albino, and they were initially sold as "leucistic." Blizzards are the true "leucistic," and the leopard name was changed to patternless, although some still use the old name. The body of patternless consists of black spotting but changes as they mature, and their color varies from neon yellow to dull brown.
Some patternless types have an exceptionally beautiful orange tail or part of the tail. Dark brown coloration in patternless geckos may be due to low incubation temperatures. The eyes of this albino leopard gecko are categorized as that of a normal non-albino.

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